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5 Ways Orthodontic Treatment Can Save You Money

5 Ways Orthodontic Treatment Can Save You Money

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:51 pm
Smiling woman with orthodontic treatment holding piggy bank

Many people get orthodontic treatment because they want a straighter, prettier smile. After all, countless studies show that those with straighter teeth are more likely to go on second dates, get hired, and appear successful. However, others are unsure if improving the look of their smile is worth the investment. If this sounds familiar, then you should know that when it comes to orthodontic issues, treatment is about much more than improving appearances! Services like braces and Invisalign can save you a tremendous amount of time, money, and hassle in the long run. Let’s look at five important ways orthodontic treatment can save you money.

1.) Save on Routine Dental Care

If your teeth are crooked, you’re at a higher risk of oral health issues. The small space between teeth trap plaque, bacteria, and food particles, which can quickly lead to problems like cavities, gum disease, and even infections. Straightening your teeth with orthodontic treatment will lower your risk of these oral health conditions and the cost of caring for your smile.

2.) Avoid the Cost of Replacing Missing Teeth

Crooked, misaligned teeth hold bacteria near the gumline and are notoriously difficult to floss. This is a recipe for gum disease, a bacterial infection that’s sited as the leading cause of tooth loss in the US. While there are plenty of tooth replacement options to choose from, it’s much more cost-effective and far less troublesome to lower your risk of gum disease with orthodontic treatment instead.

3.) Protect Your Teeth From Damage

Bite problems and misaligned teeth subject your smile to excessive wear and tear. Eating, speaking, and talking will wear down your enamel and cause sensitive, weakened teeth that are much more vulnerable to chipping and cracking. Orthodontic treatments can save you money on the cost of repairing your pearly whites by preventing damage from occurring in the first place.

4.) Prevent TMJ Disorder & Jaw Complications

Overbite, underbite, open bite, and crossbite put extra pressure on your jaw joints. This stress can eventually lead to a sore, stiff jaw that makes daily tasks more difficult. With enough time, you may develop a painful and disruptive condition known as TMJ disorder! By realigning your jaws, you minimize your risk of jaw complications and the expenses that come with treating them.

5.) Improve Your Overall Health

Straighter teeth don’t just look better: they feel better too. Correcting orthodontic issues plays a key role in promoting better oral health. In turn, researchers have linked healthier teeth and gums with a lower risk of systemic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and memory loss. A straighter smile is a great step towards healthier wellbeing!

Investing in orthodontic treatment is about a lot more than getting a prettier smile. Your smile, health, and wallet will all thank you in the long run when you get the straighter teeth you deserve!

About the Practice

At Simply Orthodontics Marlborough, we go above and beyond to help every smile look and feel its best. Our talented dental team offers a variety of orthodontic treatments for smiles of all ages, including everything from pediatric orthodontics to adult braces. And with flexible financing, special offers, our Retainers For Life Program, and a family-friendly office, we make it easy for anyone to get the care they need. To start your orthodontic journey today, we can be contacted online or at (508) 281-5188.