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What to Do If You Lose an Invisalign Aligner

What to Do If You Lose an Invisalign Aligner

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:34 pm
Closeup of Invisalign aligner on a colorful background

There are a lot of reasons why Invisalign is becoming one of the most popular way to address orthodontic issues for both teens and adults alike. These revolutionary aligners are clear and removable, making them perfect for a busy and active lifestyle. However, these unique benefits can also make them easy to accidentally misplace. If you lose an Invisalign aligner, don’t panic! Follow these four important steps to make sure you keep your orthodontic treatment on track.

Step 1: Retrace Your Steps

Where were you the last time you remember having your aligners with you? Do you remember taking them out before eating lunch or taking an important phone call? Retrace your steps and look carefully around the areas where you’ve been recently. Be sure to check countertops, sinks, couch cushions, pockets, and purses. You may need to search through the garbage to see if you accidentally threw them out!

Step 2: Call Your Orthodontist

If you haven’t found you aligner after 24 hours of good, thorough searching, it’s time to call your orthodontist. Now is not the time to wait and see if your aligner shows up somewhere! The longer you go without wearing your aligner, the more likely your teeth are to begin to gradually shift out of position. Then, by the time you find your aligner, it may not fit anymore! That’s why you should call your orthodontist to let them know you’ve misplaced an aligner if you haven’t found it after a day.

Step 3: Follow Your Orthodontist’s Directions

Explain your situation to your orthodontist over the phone so they can instruct you on what to do next. They may simply have you move on to the next aligner in the series, or they may direct you to wear your previous set of aligners while a replacement aligner is made. It’s essential that you don’t make this decision yourself, as you could end up damaging the roots of your teeth. Your orthodontist will consider many different factors to determine the safest way to proceed with your treatment.

Step 4: Learn From the Experience

The last step is to learn from your mistakes. Hopefully, losing an aligner once will be enough to encourage you to keep better track of them! Additionally, a few other important lessons to take away from this situation include:

  • Only remove your aligners when you absolutely need to
  • Always store your aligners in their case when taken out
  • Never wrap your aligners up in a napkin or paper towel

While Invisalign comes with a lot of freedom, it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. If you lose an aligner, make sure to follow these steps to keep you on track for a straighter, healthier smile.

About the Practice

Simply Orthodontics Marlborough is proud to offer a wide range of all the latest and most reliable orthodontic treatments, including Invisalign. Our dedicated and experienced team creates completely personalized treatments to help every patient achieve optimal oral health and a better smile. Plus, we’ll be with you every step of the way during your treatment to help it go as pleasantly and smoothly as possible. If you’ve lost an aligner, don’t hesitate to contact us online or at (508) 281-5188.